Just a few days ago, The Sanders Firm shared information on contaminated water on Long Island. Today, a new report was released by The NYC Independent Budget and states that Riverdale is one of the neighborhoods with high levels of lead in the tap water.
According to the Department of Environmental Protection's website, the city monitors a selection of homes that have lead service lines, fixtures or solders. The department also says it adds phosphoric acid, a common food preservative, to the water that reduces the release of lead from household plumbing.
However, The DEC has expressed their own concerns and has offered these tips to protect the public:
- It's costly but property owners should replace their lead pipes.
-According to the study, there are currently no requirements to mandate removal of plumbing materials in private buildings, regardless of the lead concentration in the water.
- Run tap water until its cold. Use cold water for drinking, cooking and baby formula.
- Do not boil water to remove lead, and make sure to clean faucet screens.
- Test water frequently. You can receive a free lead testing kit to anyone who requests one.
The study shows that lead levels in tap water have been trending down, and the issue is only affecting a small percentage of small, old buildings.
The City provides guides for tenants and landlords about Local Law 1. Local Law 1 of 2004 is a comprehensive law concerning the prevention of childhood lead poisoning through the fixing of lead paint hazards in housing and day care facilities.
Click here for the guide: https://www1.nyc.gov/nyc-resources/service/1952/lead-law-guide
The brochure Fix Lead Paint Hazards: What Landlords Must Do and Every Tenant Should Know explains landlord responsibilities, rules for repairs which may disturb lead paint, and tips to prevent lead poisoning.
For the @News12 story click here: http://bronx.news12.com/story/39180950/dec-offers-tips-after-lead-in-nyc-water-study
Everyone is entitled to have clean, safe water. The presence of lead in New York City drinking water is caused by corrosion, a reaction between the water and the metallic pipes or solder. When water comes in contact with plumbing that contains lead, the lead can be absorbed into the water. No matter where your drinking water comes from, it can become contaminated.
It takes a substantial amount of resources for a law firm to go up against property owners, management companies, large corporations or municipalities who are harming people. The Sanders Firm has a history of helping people and successful battles. As a nationally recognized law firm, The Sanders Firm has been dedicated to holding irresponsible parties accountable for over 50 years. If you suspect lead in your water or contamination and need legal advice, please call 1.800.FAIR.PLAY or visit our website: www.TheSandersFirm.com